Have you ever harassed/catcalled someone who wears revealing clothes?

Sorry for that disgusting and provocative question but I realise that people here think they are entitled to harass/catcall women (or men) just because of their revealing clothes. It disgusts me how many people are horrible and still live in the middle ages.
[Before you answere this question, I am not talking about how you judge or disrespect them silently or in your mind but I still want to know how you disrespect them. So just tell me, if you seriously insult/ harass them in any way]
Have you ever harassed/catcalled someone who wears revealing clothes?
Have you ever harassed/catcalled someone who wears revealing clothes?
Have you ever harassed/catcalled someone who wears revealing clothes?
Have you ever harassed/catcalled someone who wears revealing clothes?
I do not care about them and therefore, I dont harass/catcall/disrespect them
I silently disrespect or judge them
I disrespect/harass/cat call them directly whenever I see them
I even respect them
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+1 y
This question is also directed at women. Of course, there are terrible women who attack or cat-call men. Sorry for not making it clear
Have you ever harassed/catcalled someone who wears revealing clothes?
59 Opinion