Are you proud that claimed atheist, Alex O'Connor of Cosmic Skeptic rightfully asserts that those who claim no God exists has the burden of proof too?

Alex J OConnor
Alex J O'Connor

This is Alex J O'Connor, a claimed atheist from the United Kingdom. Cosmic Skeptic is his YouTube name. He is also a vegan advocate and think the Problem of Evil is a serious problem for theists.
Trent Horn
Trent Horn

This is Trent Horn, a Catholic apologist. He owns the Catholic Answers website and graduated his Baylor University and is from the United States and I assume Texas but not sure.

Please watch this epic 2 hour 6 minute video of Trent Horn vs Alex O'Connor by Matt Fradd!
Normally I don't agree at all with atheist claimers but do with Alex. He rightfully says that if you say God doesn't exist that you must meet the burden of proof that He doesn't exist, which he feels he can do but isn't his main goal. His goal is to critique theistic belief and not to just claim it is certain God doesn't exist. He feels if you can't meet that burden of proof, you don't have any justification to claim God doesn't exist but must take on the moniker that we don't have any evidence warranting belief in God is sufficient enough to believe in Him, although he must say that he could be wrong and that God still exists.

Whose side of the debate do you lean towards? Trent Horn is probably the top Catholic apologist on the web and isn't some push over that many think.

Are you proud that Alex O'Connor rightfully points this out about those claiming no God exists? They actually must provide evidence that He doesn't if they claim it. I must claim I am proud he admits this.

Please share your views! Also, my qurstion is not a rat race to give opinions to. Watch the freaking video and give opinion accordingly. If you comment shy of fully watching, then your answer is not one of major importance. You are not a know it all no matter if you think so. You need to learn these people's views or don't comment. That's rude and arrogant to not watch and to treat questions like a rat race to speed through them.
As an atheist claimer, I also hold that view
As an atheist claimer, I disagree with him on this
As a theistic claimer, I am proud Alex O'Connor can admit this
As a theistic claimer, I disagree with him though
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Are you proud that claimed atheist, Alex O'Connor of Cosmic Skeptic rightfully asserts that those who claim no God exists has the burden of proof too?
4 Opinion