What is something the opposite sex is almost never gonna ask your gender?

What is something the opposite sex is almost never gonna ask your gender?
Here are some of my ideas what they'll probably pretty much never will ask us men:
No, I'm not bitter. If you're the butthurt type, leave this question and go to tumblr or something.

"How much money do I need for a boyfriend?"
"Is X inches deep enough?"
What is something the opposite sex is almost never gonna ask your gender?
"You think I'm a gold digger?"
"You think all women are gold diggers?"
"Why don't you give me more money?"
"How big is your p e n i s?"
"Will you be my personal simp/sycophant?"
"Can i c u c k you?/Will you be my c u c k?"
"I'll pick up the tab (when on a date with a man)!"
What is something the opposite sex is almost never gonna ask your gender?
8 Opinion