Dress codes - when they do get discriminatory? Would absolute standardization fix the problem?

Dress codes - when they do get discriminatory? Would absolute standardization fix the problem?
This question comes from a fascinating conversation I had today with some seniors in my father's employ.
We were discussing about some new dress codes to be implemented in some of the more formal settings, and a lady pointed out we need to make concessions and avoid forcing elements such a skirts and high heels as to avoid allegations of discrimination.
I agreed with her, but then made a proposal that although may sound crazy, it could work - what if we prescribed all indentical jumpsuits?
It sounds extreme, but my rationale for avoiding any discrimination - intentional or not - would be to make everyone equal with jumpsuits.
What are your thoughts on the matter?
Dress codes - when they do get discriminatory? Would absolute standardization fix the problem?
7 Opinion