Who is someone who fascinates you and why?

Who do you respect? A name in itself will add little. Describe why.

It can be a public figure (which would make it easier for us to understand), or someone you know personally.
My answer is Esther Perel. She's a psychotherapist who's been practicing for over 30 years. She is one of (if not 'the') most renowned in her field, known worldwide, and now also travels the globe giving lectures and talks to the general public, therapists, corporations, etc., on relational dynamics and unpacks the current zeitgeist of society and how we relate to one another. (Though she specializes in couples.)
She's Belgian-born, resides in New York, speaks 9 languages, is married with two sons. (Her husband is a grief therapist. She likes to say, "I deal in pleasure, he deals in pain.")
I could easily find thousands of videos featuring her - everything from 5 min clips like these, 20 min TED Talks, to 90 min talks and interviews. I chose these as the topics are always relevant, apply to all, and her advice is spot on again here, and enough for you to get the gist of who she is. "Bickering is low-intensity chronic warfare." A powerful statement.
She's written two books, and I expect more are on the way. She has a beauty with words that I love and very much relate to.
She is, in my opinion, the most brilliant person in her field, and I trust and respect her fully. In my 48 years I've never come across someone with a better understanding of interpersonal dynamics. Unlike John Gray, she is academically educated and trained. Unlike Jordan Petersen, her compassion and understanding does not lean one way. I've never seen her be anything but completely impartial, always taking both sides of any conflict into equal consideration, no favouritism or gender biases whatsoever. She is always tough but fair. Sensitive but firm. (And her mind is sharp as a tack.)
You don't have like or follow her. This isn't about that. I merely wanted to give an example of the kinds of answers I'm looking for here.
Who is someone who fascinates you and why?
12 Opinion