Does your name suit you?

Do you think that your name suits you? Has anyone ever told you that you don't look like a _______ (insert name here)? How do you feel like your name has affected your life or the way society perceives you?
Common or unique?
Common or unique?
"Parents often agonise over what to call their children. It can feel like a test of creativity or a way to express their own personalities or identities through their offspring... the choice [parents] make over their children's names could play a part in shaping how others see their child and therefore ultimately the kind of person their child becomes."
Does your name suit you?
"Our names can have these consequences because they can affect how we feel about ourselves and how others treat us."
Have you given yourself a nickname or shortened your name?
Have you given yourself a nickname or shortened your name?
Has your name affected your career path in any way?
Do you sue like Soo?
Do you sue like Soo?
Do you bolt like Bolt?
Do you bolt like Bolt?
Does your name (seemingly) match your face?
"You dont look like a Dan."
"You don't look like a Dan."
According to one particular article, there's a reason that our names may not (seem to) match us.

"Bouba/Kiki effect: To sum it up quickly, people with angular faces are expected to have names with sharper sounds, like Kiki, whereas people with rounded faces are expected to have names with softer sounds, like Bouba."
Bouba-Kiki Effect
Bouba-Kiki Effect
Or does it even matter at all?
"A rose by any other name would smell as sweet." Credited to William Shakespeare
"A rose by any other name would smell as sweet." Credited to William Shakespeare
Does your name suit you?
Does your name suit you?
Question inspired by this acticle:
An article from Inc "Science Says You're More Likeable When Your Name Fits With This Particular Body Part":
An article from The University of Manchester "Four ways your name can affect your job prospects":
Does your name suit you?
44 Opinion