What's up with so many guys/girls thinking they are worthless but yet they think they deserve the world and the universe on a silver platter?

Is this a new trend that started in the last decade or so, am I wrong for thinking this or am I self projecting?

I just find it funny because a lot of people I've known with low self esteem have had shades of narcissism and a strange inferiority/superiority complex. Are they delusional and this is just how they cope by bouncing between two extremes?

I feel like I'm no exception to this, because I find myself on this pendulum swing between these two extremes at times depending on the situation and circumstances, but I'm able to dismantle this nonsense by objectively analyzing the situations.

I notice this a lot when it comes to dating where people who lack quality options (or any options at all) thinking they deserve some sort of perfect being, or those who demand loyalty and respect but simultaneously lack morals & ethics. I find it so hilariously asinine.

Some examples - undesirable/incel type of men demanding some sort of make believe traditional virgin woman/wife BUT they lack masculinity or desirable traits (like personality, strength, athleticism, overall attractiveness, and competency, etc.. )

And overly sexual & aggressive women who lack morals & ethics and anything else desirable/respectable from a partner, and they do shady hoe shit demanding men who look like professional athletes with CEO incomes.

I just find the lack of awareness funny & kind of sad, I don't know what could be done to find a balance (at least not in a generic advice sort of way because a lot of these problem require immense effort & soul searching that pertains to that particular individual even if the problems are fairly common & shared)
Whats up with so many guys/girls thinking they are worthless but yet they think they deserve the world and the universe on a silver platter?
I've noticed this too
I disagree
I'm not sure
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What's up with so many guys/girls thinking they are worthless but yet they think they deserve the world and the universe on a silver platter?
1 Opinion