Are guys more hesitant to confess their feelings to a girl if they are thinking serious about her or if they have genuine feelings?

My guy friend took forever to tell me how he feels while I was cuddled up in his arms... it took him over 2 years to confess his feelings towards me and he was telling me all of my good qualities that he sees in me...
he was also curious to know if I still talk to my exboyfriend and wanted to see my phone as well... he was a bit offended when I didn’t answer my phone...

meanwhile he straight up asked this other girl who he knows is a good friend of mine saying he will date her and he was not hesitant...

Are guys more hesitant with women they actually care about and think serious about?
Hesitant when thinking serious about someone
Alll guys like to move slow
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Are guys more hesitant to confess their feelings to a girl if they are thinking serious about her or if they have genuine feelings?
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