Do people who claim that mask wearing and vaccinations are personal choices aware of how ridiculous those statements are?

First of all as for masks, the pores are too small to prevent people from inhaling the viral particles BUT the turbulence the mask causes when you exhale decreases the probability of spreading it so by not wearing a mask, you aren't jeopardizing you're health, you're jeopardizing the health of others.

And you say the same kind of shit with vaccinations. They say that if you're worried about getting the virus you should get vaccinated but don't push you're views on others. Except the more people the virus infects, the more opportunities it has to evolve into new strains that the vaccine will be less effective against. And that's not some weird hypothetical either, currently 93% of the new COVID cases in the US are of the delta variant and while vaccinated people are 15 times less likely to contract the alpha variant than but 8 times less likely to contract the delta variant.

Wanna talk about violating bodily autonomy, spreading pathogens to others and letting your flesh being a breeding ground for new strains of viruses is a far more severe violation of bodily autonomy than either mask or vaccine mandates.

And for anyone who's going to talk shit about the rise of authoritarianism in this country, suspension of personal liberties in the face of natural disasters isn't a slippery slope, under normal circumstances a governor ordering a city evacuated would seem far but if a Hurricane was coming in you wouldn't call that tyrannical. When wanna be dictators use a boogeyman to reconcile power, said boogeyman isn't a force of nature; it's either a foreign country (like China) or a subversive faction (like BLM & Antifa) which they use to expand state power.

That said, downplaying the severity of natural disasters (and limiting collective actions against it) has a LONG history of being used to expand private power at the expense of individual liberties.
Do people who claim that mask wearing and vaccinations are personal choices aware of how ridiculous those statements are?
Post Opinion