When will liberals learn that making new laws is useless?

Like Guns , new laws will do nothing to stop shootings. Like restraining orders won't stop men from coming in house breaking her neck. But Liberals think they really have done something.

Lack of morals , lack of God, and being selfish is the cause. People that lack morals can't teach kids morals , so the problem continues to grow and get worse with every generation.
When will liberals learn that making new laws is useless?
So , you only get fuller prisons that liberal states let lose after 6 months and they go right back to breaking the law after lunch. No one wants any new prisons near them either.
Never , they think verbal and writing laws matter when it never solves anything
Only when they run out of ink.
liberals have always been substance over matter
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When will liberals learn that making new laws is useless?
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