What would you do in this situation? I think it proves sexism against men, what about you?

Many years ago I was at the mall with my best friend. He is someone who I call brother. We are not related, but we have been friends since I was 11.

We were at the mall, he had his son and daughter with us, because his wife was a teacher and at some kind of all day meeting. Not once but three times, we had women coming up to us asking his children if they were in any danger, or if they were there against their will.. The first two left us alone.. The third one called the police on us, and he had to prove that he was indeed their dad, and they were on an activity, and no one was in danger.. Three times we were bothered with this.. It's bullshit.. Just because a person has a penis, does not mean he is an abuse or some kind of sexual predator.. If we were women, no one would have even thought to bother us.. Using that kind of logic women shouldn't be permitted to be alone with children either because women are responsible for 71% of child deaths, child abuse, and child neglect.. But instead it's men that see this kind of treatment. For example, certain airlines will not permit an unaccompanied male to sit next to children, even if they are his own kids.. They must be accompanied by a female or sit elsewhere. Again sexist bullshit. I can't believe we live in a society where women are automatically presumed to be the good parent, and automatically safe for kids, and men are presumed to be predators, and a danger to kids..
What would you do in this situation? I think it proves sexism against men, what about you?
12 Opinion