Should there be a Men’s History Month?

If there’s a Women’s history month, where all of the female accomplishments sure recognized for an entire month, why shouldn’t there be a Men’s History Month? Where we acknowledge Men’s positive achievements instead of their negative ones? Shouldn’t Men’s positive achievements be recognized just as women’s are?

I feel like there should be a Men’s History Month because people only think of Men’s negative impacts in the world... And that doesn’t seem fair at all... We should recognize men’s achievements. Like for example how men have fought in all of the world’s previous wars to keep their women and children safe and free at the cost of their own lives. Or how when shit it’s the fan it was the men who had to be left behind while the women and children escaped. There are plenty more positive Male achievements that aren’t recognized that are extremely undervalued in society in order to make way for female recognition when in all honesty, do they really deserve it when all they did was for themselves and other women? While men have sacrificed their own lives for the betterment of others? Regardless of whether they wanted to or not? All I’m saying is celebrating women for their own achievements is extremely selfish in my opinion especially when there isn’t even a men’s history month or something equivalent to women’s history month. Who even started the ridiculous idea of (placeholder) history month? This doesn’t bring us together at all.
Yes, there should be a Men’s History Month where we recognize Men’s positive achievements throughout history instead of the negative ones
No, Men don’t deserve their own History Month. They’ve done too much negative that far outweighs the positive.
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Should there be a Men’s History Month?
22 Opinion