Oil up to $120 a barrel , how high will it get with the genius Biden as President?

If they have to cut the selling of Russian oil , that will increase prices more. I think they might have to do that as other sanctions have not worked. Putin may threaten nuclear strikes if they do. I can see oil reaching $250 a barrel. Gas at pump $12 a gallon. No way could economy could function properly. If it is $12 in US , then imagine the price in Canada and UK.
Oil up to $120 a barrel , how high will it get with the genius Biden as President?
It would cause a World Wide Depression and Depressions lead to World Wars.

You could see North Korea vs South Korea
Russia vs US
India vs Pakistan
Iran/Syria vs Israel/Saudi Arabia
China vs Taiwan
Wars between African nations
Civil war in Iraq

ps gas here is now $4 a gallon and I am sure $5 before March ends.
$200 or more
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+1 y
just got gas , $4.26 a gallon here , a new record. I run a lawn service.
Oil up to $120 a barrel , how high will it get with the genius Biden as President?
18 Opinion