Why are lgbtq+ and trans issues being forced down normal peoples throats?

Every day, you turn on the news. If its not war or crime is some trans and lgbtq person who feels their feelings got hurt and now we should bend over and accommodate them. Christians don't want to bake a cake for 2 homosexuals who then in turn want to force them too bend to their will. Trans men stomping over women's sports in light of progressive ideals? Even gay pride flags on public school flag poles, like how does flying a gay flag at your school mean anything or improve your kids learning other than the school tells you its normal for a boy to put his penis in another boys bum. Like your school supports the lgbt community and its sick life style? No one remembers San Francisco aids pandemic and their gay origies in bath houses? Hell the government had to shut down all their gay sick related life style because no public establishment was safe from having two men having sex in a public washroom.

Its no wonder more and more people are starting to hate the lgbtq and trans people. I got no problem with these people but keep it in the closet and away from Kids.
Why are lgbtq+ and trans issues being forced down normal peoples throats?
20 Opinion