Why do people still deny that civilization will collapse in 10-20 years from runaway climate change?

I understand we can't get off fossil fuels as that too would mean the collapse of civilization. Green energy require enormous amounts of rare earth metals.

And we can't get off of fossil fuels in a timely fashion.

Our co2 level is exactly where it was during the mid pliocene when most of Florida was underwater and areas where have coastal cities were underwater.

These facts can be researched online by looking up Pliocene climate and pliocene coastlines.

Also, there is a lag of co2 to affect temperature.

If you look this up, the time for co2 to increase temperature in the atmosphere is around 10 to 20 years. This fact can be googled.

So in 10-20 years, if my reseaech is right, we should expect all coastal cities and most of Florisa to be underwater by 2030-2040.

I understand there are negative feedbacks and that it takes time for ice to melt, so to be conservative, let's assume 2050 all coastal cities and Florida is underwater.

And this is not even taking consideration positive feedbacks from tipping points like melting permafrost, reduced albedo from melting polar ice, and the fact that the Amazon is now a carbon source than a carbon sink.

Also, it is physically impossible to rapidly shift to a fossil fuel free economy in the short time of 20 years, so because of the delay, we should expect additional co2 pumped into the atmosphere which would further increase global warming by 2050.
Why do people still deny that civilization will collapse in 10-20 years from runaway climate change?
10 Opinion