Do you think it’s double standard to be racist to Asians as a black woman?

Do you think it’s double standard to be racist to Asians as a black woman?
I am against all kinds of racism.

I am Eastern European, have a black best friend and lived in Asia for a year falling in love with hospitable Asian people and have an Asian boyfriend, who’s the best man I’ve ever met.

I hate all kinds of racism and always stood up for people who were the victim of it.

The other day I came across with a black woman (online) who was sharing very disrespectful and racist opinions against Asians and I disliked it because , I feel like some people have double standards when it’s about racism.

Even if they’ve been the victims of racism themselves, they feel like it’s okay to be racist to others. It’s not.

I feel like these kind of people don’t deserve any respect from me or anyone and they also can’t ask others to not be racist towards them if they act racist to other races.

For the last few years everyone’s included myself talked about BlackLivesMatter

Having heard of many hate crime committed to innocent Asians during the pandemic, I feel like people should also discuss that


What are your thoughts about it?
Do you think it’s double standard to be racist to Asians as a black woman?
42 Opinion