Is it just me or are you kind of routing for Jonny Depp, and for men that feel powerless and trapped in relationship with toxic women?

Is it just me or are you kind of routing for Jonny Depp, and for men that feel powerless and trapped in relationship with toxic women?
From personal experience I felt pretty powerless at times with my ex-wife, because I lived under the treat of her taking my children away from me. Due to my work circumstances and her toxic personality I felt powerless in the marriage. She wasn't always that way, but as the years past she spiraled down a dark path. I stayed in order to do my best to protect my children, but as a man there literally is nothing you can do in the face of gas lighting hostility from a women. Not that I want the courts to do something, but for decades it seems that society has championed women cause and great expense to men in general, and we are treated like we deserve it some how.

I am kind of hoping Jonny Depp becomes the champion for men like me who would like to see a women persecuted once in my life time for being evil and vile. Chances are he isn't that guy, and nothing will come out of this trail... but I think it is time men as a whole stand up and send a message to women, and the courts do something for us about the crap we are put through and put up with from women like this.
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Is it just me or are you kind of routing for Jonny Depp, and for men that feel powerless and trapped in relationship with toxic women?
4 Opinion