How do you perceive the raping of women and children by the Russian army?

I don't think women really care about rape honestly as long as it's not happening to them they could care less if it happens to another woman. Women seem to be content to turn on the TV and hear about the rape of women. I suppose for them it's another day like every other day. I never see women empowerment in the world just so it does not involve a white Christian man in the west who gets falsely accused of rape and still looses everything. Where are the Feminists and the Me2 movement running riots in the streets? Yet I did take extensive history lessons to the ramifications of world war II. To say that Germany is pretty much 1/2 Russian would be correct because the scale of the red army's rape on German women and girls. No quarter was given girls from 8 - 70 years of age were not spared 50 men lined up and was even condoned to give the red army a reprieve of fighting and give them joys.

I don't think women really understand the ramifications of rape yet to produce real men and army willing to protect you is non existent in the USA no surprise there. You cut off the balls of every man in the USA, turned them into feminist, transgendered woke cucks willing to dye there hair purple and pink so they conform to your 4th wave feminism.

Yes I think women should be protected at all cost but if women don't let the men have a purpose in life then they will find a life that does not involve taking a bullet for you. What more can a man give than to protect his wife and kids but do the absolute of any real man.
How do you perceive the raping of women and children by the Russian army?
9 Opinion