How many men would be in support of a woman wanting to hold off on PIV intercourse until marriage?

This question was inspired by a comment on a different post. So, some democratic leaders want to codify Roe vs Wade federally but some republican leaders want to vote for a national ban on abortion. If there was a national ban on abortion this commentor on another post believed that a majority of child bearing women (more than 50 percent) or possibly more would hold off on sex (or at least PIV intercourse) until marriage.

I wonder men would think about this? What do you think gagers, do you think a majority of men (more than 50 percent) or possibly more would be satified holding off on PIV intercourse until marriage or would they not enter a relationship with a women wanting to wait until marriage for PIV intercourse. Possibly they would be satified if other forms of sexual activity were involved but asking that question would be too many questions for one poll.
Lets try to keep the debate as civil as possible.
I believe 75 percent or more of men would be in support of this.
I believe 50 percent or more of men would be in support of this.
I believe 25 percent or more of men would be in support of this.
I believe less than 25 percent of men would be in support this.
I believe hardly any men would be in support this, but they would never admit that outloud.
What the heck is PIV intercourse?
Select gender and age to cast your vote:
1 y
I just wanted to say thank you to all who participated!
1 y
I feel like this question would have gotten more traffic if I would have wrote out Penis in Vagina (PIV) intercourse, lol, oh well, live and learn.
How many men would be in support of a woman wanting to hold off on PIV intercourse until marriage?
10 Opinion