This is the most ALPHA male I have ever heard of. What do the rest of you think?

Meet the Anarchist Who Single-Handedly Fought the US Post Office - Foundation for Economic Education (fee. org)

his is a story about a philosopher, entrepreneur, lawyer, economist, abolitionist, anarchist—the list goes on. As his obituary summarizes, “To destroy tyranny, root and branch, was the great object of his life.” Although he is rarely included in mainstream history, Lysander Spooner was an anarchist who didn’t merely preach about his ideas: He lived them. No example illustrates this better than Spooner’s legal battle against the US postal monopoly.

Born in 1808 in Athol, Massachusetts, Lysander Spooner was raised on his parent’s farm and later moved to Worcester to practice law. Eventually, he found himself in New York City, where business was booming—but not for the Post Office."

Lysander Spooner (January 19, 1808 – May 14, 1887) was an American individualist anarchist. He was also an abolitionist, entrepreneur, essayist, legal theorist, pamphletist, political philosopher, Unitarian, writer and a member of the International Workingmen's Association (First International).[1]

Spooner was a strong advocate of the labor movement and anti-authoritarian and individualist anarchist in his political views.[2][3] His economic and political ideology has usually been identified as libertarian socialism, free-market socialism, and mutualism.[4][5][6][7][8] His writings contributed to the development of both left-libertarian and right-libertarian political theory within libertarianism in the United States.[8][9]

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This is the most ALPHA male I have ever heard of. What do the rest of you think?
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