Why do people scream for stricter gun laws when guns are a tool. People are the problem. Why not demand more budget to reduce screening errors, etc?

I have never understood people who scream about stricter gun laws. A gun law will never stop a legitimately bad person - a criminal - from possessing a gun. An idiot thinks it will.

Why don't these fools scream for more budgeting for facilities/screening so more people can be hired? Better training for officials who screen applicants? And a proper revamp to certain things - like legitimate proof (a receipt for example) of gun storage cabinets, etc. - to reduce the chance of an unregistered person/relative getting their hands on a weapon.

Majority of mass shootings in America is due to one of two things.

An unhinged relative got their hands on someone else's gun.

Someone that should NOT have been registered slipping through the cracks due to errors on the application or overworked officials with hundreds to thousands of applicants to process in a week or even in a single day.

Very rarely - it happens but it's less common - do you hear of a mass shooting, particularly at schools, coming from someone illegally buying a gun on the streets.
1 y
I get it's a knee jerk reaction... But it isn't like mass shootings happen every twenty years. By now you'd think people would be able to use their brains & reason WHY does it keep happening.
Why do people scream for stricter gun laws when guns are a tool. People are the problem. Why not demand more budget to reduce screening errors, etc?
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