If something isn't broken - why do you choose to keep on reinventing the wheel, but why?

The new paint job Trump demanded for Air Force One could overheat the plane because it’s too dark, requiring costly alterations

A redecoration of Air Force One ordered by former President Donald Trump could contribute to excessive heating on the plane, sources told Politico.

Trump in 2019 unveiled the color scheme for two new Air Force One fleet jets being converted by Boeing, changing the baby blue on the underside of the jet to a dark blue and red design which he said was more patriotic.

It was the first major redecoration of the president's fleet of planes since John F Kennedy's presidency.

Critics noted similarities between Trump's color scheme and that used on his own private jet.

Trump boasted that he had secured a great new $3.9 billion deal with Boeing for the converted jets decorated according to his specifications, after cancelling an earlier $4 billion deal.

The company has since said it regrets taking the deal, on which it is making a $1 billion loss.

A source told Politico the losses could increase even further amid concerns that the new colors could make the plane too hot.

The Trump color scheme requires the underside of the plane and its engine to be dark blue, which retains more heat than a lighter color.

To accommodate that, modifications may have to be made to cool some of the plane's components, the source said. An alternative would be sticking with the existing color scheme.
If something isn't broken - why do you choose to keep on reinventing the wheel, but why?
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