Who would you want to run in 2024 besides Trump and Biden?

I'm a leftie, though I consider myself libertarian-left. So it's no lie I'm no fan of Trump or *most* of his policies. Just wanted to get that out of the way.

At this point, Trump is pretty dug in deep in controversy. Going against Biden after how this term has been going is pretty much a lay-up, but I think the controversy could do it. But I feel like there are plenty who could share his general policy positions. But TBH, I felt like he mostly paid lip service to his positions, and then basically politically poisoned them with bad tweets and contradictions. I feel like conservatives could do MUCH better while still having someone outside the GOP.

Speaking of paying lip service to positions, Biden had a lot of bold plans, but lacks the focus that Obama had his first term. By lacking focus, I mean he seems asleep at the wheel. The BBB bill should have been split up, but after it was rejected everyone just kinda gave up on it in general. While I was a fan of pulling out of Afghanistan (One of the areas I agreed with Trump), he basically doesn't have many big wins to his name and could cost 2024. Like I said, it's more or less a lay-up. Who would you want running besides Biden?

And in either case, here's another thing to think about. Who would you want to run in the OTHER party? Not in the sense of sabotaging them, but in terms of who would be closest to your ideals, or at least someone you could respect from the other party even if you disagree with their politics?
Who would you want to run in 2024 besides Trump and Biden?
Post Opinion