Hypothetically, if a scientist (s) conducted some sort of study that suggests that interracial procreation was a bad idea, how would the public react?

And if the public would react with backlash or demonization, is that bad for society? To oppose scientific research that results in something we don't like?

To be clear, I'm not suggesting I believe this to be the case. I have no objections with interracial dating, procreation, etc. I just thought about how society might react to hearing something scientific they don't like.
Hypothetically, if a scientist (s) conducted some sort of study that suggests that interracial procreation was a bad idea, how would the public react?
They'd respond with backlash or demonization.
They'd respond with indifference.
They'd respond with sketpicism.
They'd respond with support.
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Hypothetically, if a scientist (s) conducted some sort of study that suggests that interracial procreation was a bad idea, how would the public react?
20 Opinion