Should it be illegal to make fun of the president?

Should it be illegal to make fun of the president?

Here in the USA, we have the freedom to say and post whatever we want. We are one of the only countries in the world that have a constitutional guarantee that we can say or paint or post or print whatever we wish. Free press and journalism. It's one of the many reasons why America is known as "the greatest country in the world" and "land of the free"

It's one of many many reasons why we receive a million immigrants from every country on earth legally, and even more come in through the so-called "Biden -route", by simply strolling across the southern border. At the Southern border they meet people from 115 countries seeking a better life.

Freedom of speech is good, however some people feel we shouldn't be allowed to make fun of the leaders of the country. It is not the way you should be known around the world they say. In other countries there would be consequences for posting the picture above. But not on the land of the free. What say ye?

Should it be illegal to make fun of the president?
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