Now that "sanctuary" cities and states have gotten their dream come true, why are they bitching about it?

Now that sanctuary cities and states have gotten their dream come true, why are they bitching about it?
Now that sanctuary cities and states have gotten their dream come true, why are they bitching about it?

I view governor Greg Abbott as a modern-day Santa Claus. If you're good all year long, Santa brings you what you asked for. Santa brought the sanctuary cities gifts. The gifts they wanted. Lots and lots of gifts. And Santa has vowed to bring them many more gifts.

The sanctuary cities are calling it a crisis. Wait, what? We were told there is no crisis on the border. So what are they talking about? The white house press secretary told us that the border was closed. And remember when they said there are no caravans heading our way, and it's just a right-wing conspiracy theory?

Now that "sanctuary" cities and states have gotten their dream come true, why are they bitching about it?
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