Have you considered (or considered what others who say this have considered) what a person should do alternatively to “thinking too much”?

So a common trope I hear is “you think too much”

Sure I’ve had it said to me but I’m sure many people have & that’s not why I’m asking about it. I’m also not asking what people may be referring to when they say this, bc I think it means very different things to different people

I e

For some it’s worrying

others it’s too much I intensity

others they just don’t want to think about whatever the topic is

others they may not understand
Others it means asking too many questions

others it’s being bothered etc etc

So whatever it is they think they are saying by “don’t think too much”, I wonder according to them, what is the alternative?

“you think too much” OK as apposed to what?

When you stop doing one thing you are do another, so stop thinking & do what?

if I’m walking & I stop, I’m standing , sitting, laying down. Flying swimming—I’m not just “not walking”

The it’s said as an accusation sounds very unserious as if they haven’t thought much about what they are saying which is kinda apropos 👀 😂

Have you considered (or considered what others who say this have considered) what a person should do alternatively to “thinking too much”?
As apposed to physical activity
As spooked to Meditating
As apposed to being silent
As spooked to intuiting
As apposed to f*cking
As apposed to listening
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“As apposed to“

not ‘A Spooked to’ —in case it wasn’t an obvious typo 🙂
Have you considered (or considered what others who say this have considered) what a person should do alternatively to “thinking too much”?
Post Opinion