Why does it seem as though men have a lot more family loyalty? Why do most women always seem to abandon family values and follow what’s trendy?


All the women in my family just follow like sheep whatever’s trendy.

They’ve molded into the rest of society and abandoned the family values they’ve been taught.

They were raised to be chaste and traditional and modest individuals but they’ve all become promiscuous and woke, and entered these rebellious white girl phases in college.

Whereas the guys in my family have all been exposed to the same exact stuff but we actually have the balls to hold our ground and fight back like men.

We’ve seen society turning against us, so what do we do?

Do we apologize to our enemies, renounce our beliefs and give up?

Nope. We’ve been doubling down in our beliefs and staying true to our convictions.

So why doesn’t it ever appear to work this way with women?

Why are so many of them abandoning tradition and family so willingly and refusing to embrace the conservative movement?

Why are they increasingly drawn to non-masculine men who don’t believe in family and clan, and traditions that have been passed down onto them?

I mean its alarming just the sheer number of women I’ve heard these days talking negatively about their own families. Whereas I almost never observe this behavior in guys.

Its terrifying really. Seeing how the media has so much control over womens minds. They are willing to sell out and abandon their own families in favor of what the state dictates proper and acceptable.

Does this not mirror communism?

Why does it seem as though men have a lot more family loyalty? Why do most women always seem to abandon family values and follow what’s trendy?
3 Opinion