Is it right for the Government and Media to cover up truths that would otherwise undermine Multiculturalism?


Hate Crimes Committed by Africans and Arabs Are often have images blurred out, Names not mentioned and motives down played in order to minimize out rage. In Australia All ads and TV media is so racially diverse except in Violence and sexual assault against Women awareness videos, In which are all perpetrators are white men. Africa and the middle east are from the rape capitals of the universe but when they come to the west do they just magically stop? When White teenage girls get gang raped names, race, religion aren't mentioned. When someone runs down a crowd in a car the media fails to mention the Allah Akbar screams and reports that the police say their motives are not clear or he was just a man who was Mentally ill. It's never a terrorist attack or racial hatred if we call it something else.

Is it right for the Government and Media to cover up truths that would otherwise undermine Multiculturalism?
12 Opinion