Have we become a society where narratives are valued more than facts?

Where feelings matter more than reason?

Where political sensibilities matter more than evidence?

I see this struggle all the time on topics like gender, sexuality, biology, psychology, racial struggles, history.. etc etc.

It seems to permeate society to such a degree that even the educated appear to know very little about fields they study. Even attempting to discuss topics like Psychology, with certain Psychology students... leads less often to intellectual conversation, but more to activism, and their desire to lead to your demise.

For example, Crazy Girls that are Too often incapable having conversations with you on topics without immediately collapsing into political narratives that have no basis in reality? Not to mention, narratives that often collapsed upon each other, and contradict to such a degree that they hold multiple perspectives that simply don't align.

For example, something as simple as defining a woman... Which has become a near impossibility in modern society. Yet, we have a society that also preaches about Feminism... How can two such ideologies coexist within the same people?

So we literally have feminists, fighting for women's rights, who are incapable of defining what a woman is... and therefore defeat the entire purpose of why they are fighting?

HAVE YOU EVER NOTICED THIS? Will such ignorance ever find its end? Or will it continue forever until society eventually collapses from inevitable decay and incompetence?

1 y
These Crazy Girls are Too much :P
You know who you are..

We need to start living in reality friends.
Have we become a society where narratives are valued more than facts?
Post Opinion