What would your thoughts be on the first ever elected woman president of the United states?


I'm sure women would vote for her just because she is a woman. Just like how dump women voted for hillary just because she was a woman. That's like having the hots of a good looking guy and then finding out he's a pedophile after you slept with him.

Do you think based on how women react to problems and emotions would she be a wise choice to make logical and rational decisions that affect millions of American lives? I mean what would happen if she turned out to be a 6th wave feminazi. All men and conservatives would be in concentration camps. I think the first US president would have every person in the white house LGBTQ certified and trans equiped. complete with safe spaces and gender neutral bathrooms. She would have all words in all educations books that are considered offensive to be re written to be non offensive this includes history books about 9/11 towards muslims, Native American's and the culling to perceive them being put to sleep.

What would your thoughts be on the first ever elected woman president of the United states?
16 Opinion