Are women in Europe generally better than women in America? Or does it largely just depend on where? Are they more or less dramatic, high maintenance?


So its been interesting.

British girls on this site just seem absolutely obsessed with thinking and asking about sex for some reason.

All the while I’ve literally never seen British men asking sexual stuff on this site, and they usually just post about all this liberal political crap.

But I don't know. I can’t really speak for the women in Europe.

I’ve met some irish, french and german girls that seemed nice but overall I still get the impression that American girls in general are just very dramatic and high maintenance for some reason.

I mean obviously the safest place to look is still in Eastern Europe but overall I just feel as though I just don’t have many good options in America.

But I can’t really speak for other places though because my experiences are too limited to form a valid judgement.

I’m merely just recounting my limited number of experiences and the generalizations I’ve formed.

I could be totally wrong and so I’m leaving the discussion open. Because there are definitely people that have more experience than me on this front.

But either way that still won’t change the fact that I’m left feeling personally unsatisfied with the women in my country more generally.

Perhaps it is better in Europe or perhaps it could be worse.

Either way I am a nationalist and I don’t like women who exhibit this form of elitism and superiority towards Americans. That is a problem there I’ve noticed, but of course mainely with fag England who no other country seems to like anyway.

Are women in Europe generally better than women in America? Or does it largely just depend on where? Are they more or less dramatic, high maintenance?
7 Opinion