Which would you rather have in society, equity, or equality?

Me personally I want equality. Equality says that everyone has the same opportunities at the beginning, and how hard you work in life determines your course. Equity on the other hand says it does not matter how hard you work, we are all the same at the end. A translation for rational thinking people, it means you could have highly specialized talent, and be making 6 figures per year, but because your neighbor is a bum, and chooses not to work, most of your money is stripped from you and given to them.. It's the basic premise of communism. No matter how hard you work you Can not earn more than a bum, so what's the point of working hard. One of many reason communism and socialism does not work is because of that right there.. There is no incentive to be the best you can be, and the government takes it all. In a communist government the mantra 'you will own nothing and like it' is a thing. Suddenly your business is no longer yours, your family home which has been in your family for 100+ years is no longer yours.

Sorry I would rather live in a equality driven free society, not what some of these idiotic equity driven radical leftist feminists want. The people who want that shit have never known hardship.
I'm a rational thinking person and I want equality at the start.
I'm an idiot and believe that it should not matter how hard someone works I want equity at the end.
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Which would you rather have in society, equity, or equality?
6 Opinion