Is it time for Biden to be removed from office?

OlderAndWiser u

According to President Biden, in a speech he delivered in Pennsylvania on October 28, 2022, there are 54 states in the US.

We have observed occurrences of behavior by the president that indicate cognitive "slippage" or early signs of senility. The MSM has ignored most of the growing ody of evidence against him.

This most recent example is obviously not something that conservative zealots have fabricated; this is something that you can watch for yourself. I think it is rather obvious that the president of the US should know how many states are in the US.

In the campaign, conservative voices warned that Biden was marginally competent and his medical condition should lead voters to reject him but he is the one that the Democrat party selected. . . and now you see where blind partisanship got us.

This is a question about the current president and it is not simply an opportunity for you to once again express your hatred for the former president. If you choose to respond with a rant about Trump rather than answering the question, your response is irrelevant.

Yes, absolutely!
Begrudgingly. . . yes.
I don't know.
No, but only because I can't stand the idea of President Kamala Harris
No, he is still competent to be president.
No, he is still a great president.
Something else I'll explain in a comment
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Is it time for Biden to be removed from office?
31 Opinion