Do you agree that "gender identity" is a defense mechanism to avoid dealing with true underlying issues and trauma?

I noticed a very disturbing pattern that so many seem to willfully ignore:
The vast majority of trans people or non binary people or anyone really that identifies as anything other than what they were born as have often had a turbulent past.
Absent parents. Strict parents. Child abuse. Assault by an adult. Low self esteem.

And they all justify this by saying "it's because I've been living in a body that is not the same as my gender" which is a way to say "the reasons my dad didn't love me is because he secretly wanted a daughter and because I actually am a woman on the inside that means he will eventually love me"

But mainstream media and medical "experts" keep reinforcing gender identity is being a real thing further putting these people who need to examine their underlying trauma in a false comfort zone of saying " you don't have to go through the painful process of healing, just change your gender and all will be good for you"

So what's the solution here? How can anyone get thought to those people and put them on a path to get help instead of plugging their ears and screaming into the void hoping the monster under the bed will somehow leave then alone
Do you agree that "gender identity" is a defense mechanism to avoid dealing with true underlying issues and trauma?
Post Opinion