Do you think Joe Biden handles the border poorly on purpose to make republicans angry because I have a similar mentality?

A few years ago, I used to be very conservative. I was for restricting migration and closed borders. I didn’t like illegal immigration but then I started noticing the racism and the things people would say like “we are turning into Mexico.” Or “America is turning brown.” I would see hateful comments on YouTube videos and witness racism happening.

I started to become open borders kind of guy because it pissed off racist people to have them coming in. I would just turn a blind eye and not contribute anything towards the conversation when it comes to migration. I would tell people I didn’t care and that everyone has a right to live where they want but I don’t really believe that. I only say it because I don’t like racist people so it makes me happy to see them get mad. Maybe Joe Biden feels the same way and that’s why he is allowing them
To come in or turning a blind eye. In case you didn’t know, they are being thrown out there all over the place. It’s gotten out of control but it’s worth the price to pay seeing racist people get triggered.
Just an example of what I mean…
Do you think Joe Biden handles the border poorly on purpose to make republicans angry because I have a similar mentality?
8 Opinion