Do you support or oppose legalized prostitution and why?

Turns out we do more harm than good. We should live in a more free society.
This would also be good news for incels that can’t get laid. We would be making people happier as a result especially in the USA.

The reason why it’s dangerous for it to remain illegal.
1. Women are exploited and taken advantage of. Often robbed and not able to go to police because it’s illegal.

2. STDs, HIV and other aids spread because it isn’t regulated or controlled. People are not required to have an STD test prior to meeting.
Do you support or oppose legalized prostitution and why?
Support (regulated and made safer for both parties)
Oppose (not regulated and made more dangerous for both parties)
Select gender and age to cast your vote:
1 y
Why do you people oppose wtf bro
1 y
Thank you, get the pimps out of the market!
Do you support or oppose legalized prostitution and why?
Post Opinion