What do you think is the purpose of International Womens' Day?

I would like to think it is to commemorate abd remember the road for women towards equal rights and opportunities, as well as to remind us that the fight is still ongoing in some places, particularly in third-world and some muslim countries. I am 100% supportive of the existence of IWD to bring light to womens' rights and unfair treatment in places where women are given less then they deserve.

I however do not think women (especially in places where women are pretty much equal to men) should be celebrated just for being women. If you are someone who has actively made contributions towards improving womens' standings in modern societies, good on you. This day is to remember and be thankful what you have done for women in the fight for equality.

But if you are just a normal citizen, like everyone else, you do not deserve a special day (apart from your birthday) to "celebrate yourself".

Not to say we should not show gratitude to women (or people, in general) in our lives, 100% we should, but that should not be done just on a specific day alone. It is something we should do every day when possible. What I'm saying is, there is no reason (in my opinion) to celebrate someone just for being a specific gender.

What do you think should the purpose of International Womens' Day be?
What do you think is the purpose of International Womens' Day?
25 Opinion