Are you for more Federal or State govt power?


Some recent laws are going through the court system and they’re arguing the Supremacy Clause again. Which in the constitution says federal govt has supremacy, but then contradicts itself to say states have power too. (Damn the founders!)

Personally I don’t see the point in 50 separate governments rather than one in DC. It’s still run by our representatives.

I’ve moved my extended family from state to state and it is a fckin nightmare transferring Medicaid and Social Security between states, because each one allocates it differently. If I worked directly with the fed agencies, it’d have been over in two seconds.

But this is the original divide in our country that led to a Civil War that still didn’t decide it.

Are you for more Federal or State govt power?
Both, more state
Both, more federal
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Are you for more Federal or State govt power?
8 Opinion