Is nuclear war inevitable? If so how many Americans will die and afterwards will the USA exist as a country?

Even A ‘Limited’ Nuclear War Quickly Could Kill 90 Million People
Even A ‘Limited’ Nuclear War Quickly Could Kill 90 Million People

In his article, Paul Craig Roberts, Institute for Political Economy, explains that since the neoconservatives have control of all the principal agencies of government–the National Security Council, the Pentagon, the Department of State. They control the US media, the think tanks, and the foundations, he believes nuclear war is in the cards.

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Putin is showing remarkable restraint. If the rolls were reversed, there would already be a nuclear war. Imagine if Russia was installing nuclear bases is Cuba and South and Central America, and had spent $100 billion to overturn Mexico's election and installed their puppet president hostile to the USA and was now about to install a Nuclear base in Mexico. Then if 95% of the people in a northern portion of Mexico voted to join the USA and Russia had the gall to say the vote was not legitment.
Is nuclear war inevitable? If so how many Americans will die and afterwards will the USA exist as a country?
Post Opinion