Who would you like to see run for President of the U. S. in 2024?


I'm purely independent. On some topics I lean right, on others, left. Thus far, I'm not impressed by the selection being offered.

Trump is out. Hopefully, he'll be in prison by then.

I'm not thrilled with Biden. I don't think he's done well during this term. He hasn't handled the fuel crises very well and his decision to pull out of Afghanistan the way he did was a mistake. It's unfortunate too. I really liked President Obama.

DeSantis, a G. O. P. prospect, reflects too much of what made Trump horrible. I'd be concerned of getting him in the White House.

Robert Kennedy Jr., a possibility on the Democratic side, could have been a good option. No question that his father and uncle were fantastic statemen. However, he seems a bit off the deep end. His position on vaccinations of any kind is bizarre.

Former Vice President Mike Pence is one of the best possibility thus far. He has good conservative values and was strong enough to stand up to Trump during the January 6th attack on the Capitol.

Who I'd really like to see run again is Mitt Romney. I appreciate his position on many things. He had the guts to stand up against, not only the harm Trump was doing to his own party but, the entire G. O. P. party itself. He's much more balanced -- which is what we need more of right now. One of the major problems we face in the United States is the strong polarization of the left and right wings. The right wings seem to be getting farther right with a "Tea Party" attitude and the left wants to go way left with this craziness of people being "non-binary". It's time for strong, balanced leadership and Romney would be the perfect person to be there.

Who would you like to see run for President of the U. S. in 2024?
Who would you like to see run for President of the U. S. in 2024?
50 Opinion