Is it sexist for me to think that women dont belong in combat roles?


I don't believe women belong in combat due to biological different roles. Men are stronger and can withstand more when it comes to combat/battle scenarios. This isn't me saying that women dont have any value. They do but not in this reguard. Their suited for other things. There are things men do better than women and there are things women do better than men. Its a balance. For milions of years men went to fight wars and we're biologically suited for this. Men we're also designed to protect women and keep women out of harm's way. And this is because men are physically stronger. Is there a woman out there that can hold their own and fight at the capacity that men do? Of course but this is an exception. In general most women aren't like that or built for such a thing. Gi jane is a movie, not reality. In movies women can beat up men and throw them around but reality is a different tune. And despite all that i do believe they have a place in the military, just not in combat roles.

Is it sexist for me to think that women dont belong in combat roles?
8 Opinion