What do you think that the claim that "gun laws only make it harder for law abiding citizens to get guns" has any merit?


I think it omits one major factor: criminal and law abiding citizen aren't permanent categories that people are born into. It doesn't make any more sense to talk about a "criminal" and "law abiding citizen" in this context than it does to talk about "rich" or "poor".

You know those heartwarming stories of people who have been in and out of jail but then turn their lives around and become a model citizen? Well guess what: it goes both ways and law abiding citizens can be corrupted and become criminals but because they wouldn't have had any prior arrest warrants, they wouldn't face any more obstacles obtaining a gun than anyone else.

I know so many of us like to think of law abiding citizens and criminals as fundamentally different kinds of people (which helps the average citizen "otherize" criminals so they can be apathetic about the inhumane conditions in prison, but that's another story) but the reality is that one can become the other.

What do you think that the claim that "gun laws only make it harder for law abiding citizens to get guns" has any merit?
8 Opinion