Guys, What would happen if illegals were allowed to have any job? Even government jobs?

Guys, What would happen if illegals were allowed to have any job? Even government jobs?

They could be mayors, governors, senators and even the president. I have a dear friend that's here illegally, and he's about 30,000 times more articulate than Biden. Couldn't an illegal eat ice cream, hide in the basement and mumble at a teleprompter? Couldn't an illegal run from reporters when asked questions?

I'm so sick of liberals saying that illegals are just here to do the jobs Americans won't do. Fine. Then let's let them do YOUR job. Dianne Feinstein left the senate for three months, and denied she did it. She forgot. Pelosi said a border wall is racist. What? AOC has the IQ of dryer lint. Why not have illegals take their place?

And if you reply, don't talk about the law. Laws no longer matter in America. Just ask Alvin Bragg.

Guys, What would happen if illegals were allowed to have any job? Even government jobs?
Post Opinion