Trumplicans - When will you "wake" up and realize that he was the cause of the SVB Bank Collapse?
Trump, Who Bragged About Gutting Dodd-Frank, Claims ‘Wokeness’ Caused SVB Collapse

Former President Donald Trump on Monday blamed “wokeness” for the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank rather than the law he signed in 2018 that gutted the Dodd-Frank federal regulations on smaller banks.

Trump bragged within days of taking office that he would go after the Dodd-Frank Act, which was signed by President Barack Obama in 2010 after the 2008 financial crisis and which forced banks to be more conservative in investing their depositors’ money.

“Dodd-Frank is a disaster. We’re going to be doing a big number on Dodd-Frank,” Trump said on Jan. 30, 2017, as he signed an executive order requiring that agencies eliminate two regulations for each new one they wanted to implement.

Sixteen months later, he signed a bill that freed regional banks like SVB from many Dodd-Frank rules. “They shouldn’t be regulated the same way as the large, complex financial institutions,” he said. “As a candidate, I pledged that we would rescue these community banks from Dodd-Frank, the disaster of Dodd-Frank, and now we are keeping that commitment.”

Despite this, Trump in recent days has been blaming corporate “wokeness.” On Sunday and Monday, Trump amplified posts claiming that SVB’s policies regarding diversity and environmentalism were behind the bank’s failure.

Trumplicans - When will you "wake" up and realize that he was the cause of the SVB Bank Collapse?
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