USA is planning to provoke nuclear war and place blame on Russia?

Who knows if this thread is real or not but Biden is the only one to continue to talk about nuclear, but in our propaganda news here in USA, they flip it around and always tell us it’s always someone else, in this particular period of time blame all on Russia. if anyone who falls for then propaganda we are told on a daily basis, would look deeper into what is being translated you’d see any of the times Russia has mentione nuclear is ONLY in response to USA stating something about nuclear, to which Russia usually responds, if you use it a response will be of the same kind, .. to which then our propaganda turns around and screams omg!! Russia said they will use nuclear.. 🤦‍♀️ the stupidity of those who just read what we are told that was “supposedly” said.. anyhow here is the questionable post.. down 👇which even if it’s fake, IF there is any nuclear threat ever it will ultimately be USA as always aiming at that as we are the only ones ever repeatedly talking about nuclear.. and to portray others as the evil doers with the powerful propaganda machine that they feed and brainwash us with every day.
Are you ready for a tragedy like this?
Are you ready for a tragedy like this?

The more you discover the truth, the more usa shows through its evil colors.. we kill too many innocent people around the world and never take responsibility but rather with our propaganda tell the world how we are the heroes. Sad for all the people dying under all the bombings.

USA is planning to provoke nuclear war and place blame on Russia?
Post Opinion