Due to staff shortage and teachers feeling burnout, schools are now embracing school only 4 day week? In your opinion what are the pros and cons?


What are the pros and cons to this decision being made and if you are or were a parent with school aged children how would you feel about your child only attending school 4 days a week? Is this a selfish decision being a made or a reasonable decision?

Some teachers love the idea that school will be available Tuesday and Fridays, with Monday considered a day for teachers to catch up on work, and students to recharge. However, some parents are not okay with this saying it's a ridiculous decision. The reasoning for this is due to teachers not only feeling burnout but there's also a higher increase in teacher shortages happening nationwide. The solution, going to school Tuesday through Fridays. Schools will open for children to be fed on Mondays.

7 mo
Also for those that want to I was inspired to create another question about what solutions should be put into place. I'll link it here, and feel free to check it out ☺️

Due to an increase in teacher shortages/ teachers quitting their jobs due to burnout, what are some ways to prevent this? ↗
Due to staff shortage and teachers feeling burnout, schools are now embracing school only 4 day week? In your opinion what are the pros and cons?
14 Opinion