In 10 years, and two trillion into it, will Democrats still want to forego universal healthcare in America in lieu of funding the European war?

In 10 years, and two trillion into it, will Democrats still want to forego universal healthcare in America in lieu of funding the European war?
In 10 years, and two trillion into it, will Democrats still want to forego universal healthcare in America in lieu of funding the European war?
In 10 years, and two trillion into it, will Democrats still want to forego universal healthcare in America in lieu of funding the European war?

There's a lot of fat cats getting rich off of the backs of American tax payers.

America can't afford to secure our own border, but we can afford to secure everyone else's border.

In 10 years, and two trillion into it, will Democrats still want to forego universal healthcare in America in lieu of funding the European war?
Post Opinion