Gun-freaks. What's your plan for when the government "becomes tyrannical"?

LOL! He should be on the cover of Vogue :D
LOL! He should be on the cover of Vogue :D

What do you plan on doing, exactly? I'd like to know. At what point will you know that your government is now a tyranny? How will you organise? Will you be willing to forego luxuries like your smartphones and the internet in general? You'll have to, because otherwise the Big Bad Government will track you down and either kill you or lock you up for insurrection. Do you know how to survive in the wild? Hunt? Fish? Start a fire without matches? How many of you have been in the army, and have at least some relevant experience? How will you avoid the drones, the helicopters and the FBI? Then there's the NSA, local law enforcement, and (worst of all) the vast army of Karens who will only be too happy to turn you in.

Gun-freaks. Whats your plan for when the government becomes tyrannical?

A well regulated militia, not a disorganised rabble of hillbillies and survivalists! The "security of a free state". In other words, this was written in order to provide a measure of insurance against the possibility of the new country being reabsorbed into one of the European empires (Britain, France, Spain). It made sense at the time, but it no longer does.

Gun-freaks. What's your plan for when the government "becomes tyrannical"?
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