How much longer will picketing/striking be a thing?

How much longer will picketing/striking be a thing?
How much longer will picketing/striking be a thing?

Fred: They're just looking for a better life!

Mily: Ya think?

Fred: Do you want to work in the hot sun picking cucumbers?

Mily: No one does, and no one has to.

Fred: They're just here to do the jobs Americans won't do.

Mily: Actually, they're just here to do the slave labor jobs Americans won't do.

Fred: These are all low skill laborers.

Mily: How would you know?

Fred: I heard it on The View.

Mily: You mean low skill jobs like software engineers?

Fred: What?

Mily: Do you know what an H-1B visa is?

Fred: No.

Mily: It's a visa that the mega-rich tech companies invented so they can bring in brilliant, skilled software engineers from India and China. They don't immigrate here, they just come for the piles of cash, and then take it back home. They come to do the software engineering jobs that Americans won't do for that low price.


Does anyone seriously think that Biden is calling the shots?

How much longer will picketing/striking be a thing?
3 Opinion